
Change presents an extraordinary opportunity for growth.

Let's make the most of it.

Transitioning from what we know into something new and unfamiliar can feel daunting.

As humans, we're hard-wired to stay safe, and change of any kind is often uncomfortable. But I believe that growth happens at the edge of your comfort zone. I also believe that life doesn't follow a linear path, and the magic lies in forging your own.

To Evolve is designed to help you navigate that journey. We're a future-focused executive coaching practice and boutique Human Resources consultancy, on a mission to support you, your team, and your organisation to evolve. Our approach is underpinned by the latest research and development in positive psychology and neuroscience. We have a deep appreciation of the complexities and challenges faced by today’s leaders as they shape the future of work.

I'm Katherine Riddoch, and I'm here to guide you through uncharted territory.

And with almost 30 years of experience spanning executive recruitment, corporate leadership, career transition and development, executive coaching, mature age work solutions and transition to retirement - I'm qualified to do it.

My career has seen me empower executives to thrive through change across Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, China, London, Belgium and South Africa. It's taught me that everyone has a unique story - and I'm fascinated by every one of them.

I love empowering people to make great life choices, connecting the seemingly unconnectable and supporting individuals and organisations through transition.

Whether you're an experienced executive looking to make a change or transition into retirement, or a leader guiding your team or organisation - I can help clarify your values, strengths, purpose and direction.

In other words, I can help you thrive in the face of change. Because with the right guidance and support, change isn't something to be feared. It's something to grow through.

It's time to empower you To Evolve.
Start your journey
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